My #1 skill I need to grow in as a leader – How to explain myself.
Yesterday a writer for the University newspaper (a muslim girl) called and interviewed me about our Cru ministry. Â Her simple question= explain our ministry. Â Really simple right? Â Should have a canned talk in my back pocket. Â But I froze up. Â How do you explain a compelling vision to a complete (antagonistic) outsider?
I can plan ministry. Â Do ministry. Â Just don’t ask me to talk about ministry.
I’d rather do than talk about doing. Â Plan well, work hard, and let people read between the lines and figure out how well things are going and want to jump in. Â If we’re doing a good job in ministry, students/volunteers/supporters will want to join with us.
But it doesn’t work like that. Â As a leader, speaking about what you’re doing is just as important as what you’re doing.
A painful example in my life –
When it comes to support raising, it’s not enough to be working hard and doing a great job in ministry. Â We have to communicate well to the outside world about our ministry.
Matt Perman has a great post on this with more quotes from Scott Berkun on his blog (one of my top 3 favorites) What’s Best Next.
This is a major reason why I’m blogging. Â To get better at communicating. Â Two Giants on Leadership: Seth Godin and Tom Peters sum it up perfectly.
Tom Peters: No single thing in the last 15 years professionally has been more important to my life than blogging.
Watch the 1 minute video here:
photo courtesy of Lorraine Elder via Flickr