Back in 2010, Jim Collins gave a brilliant talk on leadership at the Drucker Day Keynote.
The whole thing is worth listening to, but starting at minute 47 – Jim spends the last 10 minutes of his talk addressing young leaders – with 10 words of advice.
The best of what he says:
- For me – this has come through seeking out meetings with great leaders. Not sure who to meet with? Ask a great leader – “who are great leaders I should learn from?” Cru staff – SPEND YOUR CRU17 DOING THIS.
- As you meet great leaders, you’ll find leaders that really challenge you to grow and that, personally, you just like. Just give them a call every few months to see what they’re learning and what interesting problems they’re trying to solve. And ask them for help on a problem you’re trying to solve.
- What are you passionate about?
- What can you be the best at in the world?
- What drives your economic engine? What are you useful for?
- This one is more difficult in ministry. Business leaders are driven by profit.
- Collins says the question for non-profits is, “How effectively do we deliver on our mission and make a distinctive impact, relative to our resources?”
- I would offer that laborers is a key metric for college ministry.
- Another possible measurement – staff to student ratio (how effectively we are delivering on our mission relative to our resources). How many students are involved per staff on campus? I’ve heard 50/1 is a good starting place.
- These three build on each other – “Consistently well executed, accumulating one upon another, over a long period of time.”
- This is definitely my goal! To live and do ministry in such a way that each decade builds upon itself and when you hit 65, you’re doing your best work with the greatest influence.
- Love this from John Piper (that he wrote during the Presidential campaign of 2016) – Hillary, Bernie, Donald and Me. At age 70, his zeal and work output are ramping up!