Whenever you have access to great leaders, take advantage of it by getting time with them and taking copious notes.
Is it OK that I quoted myself from a previous blog post? : )
Yesterday I interviewed a long-time Cru Campus Director and furiously took 9 pages of notes (which I’ll be sharing on a future post).
I cannot think of a better way to have spent an hour. His insight will change how I lead our team (and staff meetings!) and our ministry. I learned more in that hour than I could have from reading every Andy Stanley leadership book. He may not be a better leader than Andy Stanley but I guarantee he is a better College Campus Director than Andy Stanley.
My boss, Tim Norman, was aware that our movement would like to grow in the area of evangelism. He emailed me yesterday to let me know that one of the preeminent evangelism experts in the world is living right around the corner in our apartment complex (up here at CSU). John Nyquist, who is a living legend in Crusade, was recruited to staff by Bill Bright, helped launch Campus Crusade in Western Europe and now serves as the head of the Evangelism Department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (replacing Robert Coleman).
So next week, a few members of our team are going to buy John Nyquist some coffee and try to absorb his wisdom on building movements of evangelism (something he’s been doing and thinking about since the 1950’s!).
Cru staff — you will be in Colorado for 10 days with some of the best leaders in the world at what you do. Take advantage of it!
How have you benefited from seeking time with Great Leaders?
photo courtesy of Steve Rhodes