This is part of a series: Learning from Large Cru Movements- a look at 8 of the largest Cru movements in the U.S.  Read the Series intro here.
Overview of the Cru Movement at the University of Florida:
Movement stats as of 2011
- 50,000 students enrolled at Florida
- 1200 at first Cru meeting in the fall (700-800 at a typical weekly meeting)
- 650 involved in 49 Bible Studies led by 200 leaders
- Typically raise up about 10-15 STINT/Intern/Staff (though 2011 was lower — 5)
- Want to see 30 people STINT/Intern/Staff this year (10 UF/10 Paris/10 around the world)
- 175 at Winter Conference
- 300 at Fall Retreat
- Staff team — 12 people usually (6 staff, 6 interns)
- 4284 people like their page on Facebook
- What is the next largest campus ministry at your school?
- RUF — 200 involved or so
- Campus ministry leaders get together and pray every week
Movement History
- 250 — at weekly meeting in 2002
- In the last three years we’ve really grown a lot to where we have over 1000 involved
Biggest Contributors to Growth
- God showed up — especially at a place like Florida which is pretty dead spiritually
- Community Groups — we changed our structure to a cell group model
- CG’s have fueled the Weekly Meeting growth
- Students really owning discipleship
- One student leader (a senior) really caught a vision for discipleship and it created a culture of discipleship
- When people come into the movement, they hear about it and want to be discipled
- Big change — how staff team delegated our responsibilities
Key Points
- Our students have a phenomenally high level of ownership
- Put on weekly meeting
- Put on socials
- Work with student government
- Just made a decision a long time ago to turn everything over to students and let them lead (sink or swim)
- I’m sure we could have a weekly meeting if I put 30 hours into it every week, but that’s not the best way to spend my time
- Frees staff to focus on ministry:
- Discipleship
- Evangelism
- Do you have a website? — just nominally that routes back to Facebook
- We do everything thru Facebook
- Plug Fan Page at weekly meeting (mention it every week “if you’re looking for more info or want to hear about stuff we talked about, check out our Facebook page — or like us)
- There’s a small group finder on the Facebook page
- All of announcements and Servant Team are linked in thru Facebook page
- We have a few students who take it very seriously and will have it as their role
- What obstacles did you face in the growing process?
- Solving the problem of too many groups for each staff person to oversee (especially for younger staff/interns — too much to have 5 or 6 groups)
- This last year they took 6 students — 4 girls and 2 guys — and had them not be primary leaders of Cell groups, made them coach of their group and gave them 1 or 2 groups to coach
- All those 6 were in a coaching session with MTL every other week — to touch base — how are your groups doing? What problems are you facing?
- Weekly meeting
- Rooms big enough to meet in (and paying for those)
- Were in a room that held 500 people
- Started booking bigger rooms
- They hop around all over the place throughout the year
- University auditorium and Univ. ballroom (cost anywhere from $400-$800/week)
- Got more student government funding and have raised more
- Have a couple meetings outdoors on a field
- Solving the problem of too many groups for each staff person to oversee (especially for younger staff/interns — too much to have 5 or 6 groups)
What does evangelism look like on your campus?
- Primary strategy = thru the Community Groups
- They have their sphere of influence
- They do intentional outreaches — floor meal and invite people to it; guys invite guys to play ball or ultimate; cookout for their area of campus
- Once a month we do an outreach to the area
- Students have really embraced it’s OK to belong before you believe (a significant number of CG’s have non-Christians coming to it)
- Tons of students become Christians thru CG’s and getting plugged in relationally
- Students share pretty relationally (thru challenging thru discipleship)
- They have their sphere of influence
- Big outreaches? Sometimes — didn’t this year; not their bread and butter
- Did 3 weeks of 24/7 prayer in Spring
What do staff focus on?
- Staff primarily just do discipleship and evangelism
- Staff don’t lead any Bible studies
- They each have 5 community groups (and leaders) they focus on
- Staff go to one of those CG’s every week
- After going, meet with all the leaders of that group to give feedback (2 leaders as well as sophomore leaders — usually 2-5 guys) on their group
- How’s the group going overall?
- How could they pursue areas they are not doing as well on
- Could be based on that week or focused big picture — how can they do outreach better
- Bulk of time is meeting with Bible study leaders and guys from those groups (try to get appointments when they visit each study)
- Disciple all the leaders of those CG’s (2-3 leaders of group)
- Staff do 1 on 2 or 1 on 3 group discipleship
- Meet with both leaders together
- Share their faith once a month
- Could be randoms (probably twice a semester)
- Talk with one of their friends from class (in discipleship, asking who they’re reaching out to, they mention somebody, and you say, “let’s hang out sometime together”)
- It’s on the student to set that up
- Use the Compass a lot (for transferability) and CruPressGreen
- Share their faith once a month
- Also have Staff team responsibilities — outreach team, Cru, prayer, etc
- Staff team’s biggest win is getting people involved in Community Groups
- So staff team needs to be more focused on that
- So they raised the level of every on the staff team to be CG experts
- Spent a lot of time discussing (3 years ago) what does a healthy group look like?
- Biblical Content
- Prayer
- Outreach
- Discipleship
- Community
- Those are the checkpoints — how are the CG’s doing in each of these?
Ministry Structure
Leadership Development/Training
- Mostly train through discipleship
- Do some random training in Fall — right before Cru — call it “Dr. Cru”
- How to connect to God thru the Bible, etc
- TNT happens same time — 7-8pm. Cru is at 8:30
- Once a month have a Sunday Night Leadership
- Open to anyone in them movement (announced at weekly meeting)
- Required for anyone leading with us
- Probably around 150-200 students — 2 hours
- A chance to pull the leaders together
- Share time (at least every other time) on what God is doing
- A lot of specific stuff on Community Groups
- Vision for different things
- Staff meet weekly with Servant Team and Officers — Fridays at 3pm — about 12 students
- Servant Team= Outreach, Socials, Cru, Prayer, Communications, Finance
- Officers (4 key student leaders) → Meet with them once a week
Weekly Meeting
- Staff put very little effort into weekly meeting — the main staff guy puts in 1 hour a week into it
- Put all their time into discipleship and CG’s
- Students mostly lead it
- A guy on servant team leads the team of 10-12 students
- Set up and tear down/video stuff, sound guy
- Staff team speaks 95% of the time (mostly 2 senior guys)
- Band — rotates 2 worship leaders
- Have a pool of 30 people they draw from — have a schedule of who’s playing when (practice on Wed. night and play on Thursday night)
- How do they promote the weekly meeting?
- Most people come thru word of mouth/Personal invitation
Bible Study Structure
- Old system — start in a freshman study, and that will carry you through your time at UF
- Tough for people to get connected after freshmen year
- New philosophy= Cell group strategy
- All ages and open at all times (freshmen thru senior in group together)
- Based on Spheres of Influence rather than year in school
- When groups reach 15 or so they multiply (how often does this happen? Some groups multiply every year)
- The groups where discipleship is most owned and most healthy, those are the groups that multiply and grow
- The CG leaders (JR/SR) disciple sophomore leaders in the group
- These groups are the main avenue for reaching the campus — each has their own sphere of influence/TA (dorm, etc)
- We do start the year with freshmen studies (Real Life Groups)
- We meet for 6-8 weeks
- Sophomore/new leaders (who have gone thru new leaders training) lead those studies
- Those freshmen studies get reabsorbed into the CG where they come from (into older studies)
- The whole group owns the Real Life (freshman) Group even though only 2 sophomores are leading it; everyone chips in
- We focus on freshmen as groups
- The freshmen really get invested in by the older students and get to know them really well when they get reabsorbed into the larger/older Community group
- Student leaders are not in a Community group- they both lead and are in it (so there are no senior studies led by staff)
- What’s the process for becoming a CG leader?
- Spring — 6 weeks “TNT” = teaching and training for all new leaders (mostly freshmen or new leaders)
- How do you cast the net wide? Invite people?
- Ask specifically the group leaders who they’d recommend
- Announce it at Cru meeting
- Had over 100 at the meeting in the spring (130?)
- Going thru TNT doesn’t mean you will be a leader, but you have to go thru TNT to be a leader
- Have to sign leadership agreement to lead
- All CG leaders are discipled by a staff person
- Parents Weekend
- Our normal meeting is on Thursday night
- We move it to Friday night one weekend — early November for a home game
- We ask our students to invite their parents to come to the weekly meeting on Friday night
- We do a Giving Brunch next morning
- 70-100 families give $50,000
What are your biggest takeaways from learning about the Cru ministry at the University of Florida?
photo courtesy of randomduck