This is part of a series on Learning from the Top Sending Campuses in Cru.
See the intro for a full list of all the campuses profiled (and links to each).Â
Quick facts on University of Oklahoma Cru:
- # on staff team — Â 5 staff, 7 interns
- Avg Cru meeting size — 100-150
- How many students in Bible Studies – 30
- Students at school — 30,000; freshmen — 5,000
- Partnership — Moscow
Sending Stats last year:
- STINT — 9
- Intern — 6
- Staff — 2
- Avg on SP
- 10 overseas
- 10 stateside
I talked to Noralea O’Meilia who has led the team at OU for several years.
How did you become a sending campus?
- When I first interned I was the only girl intern and we just had 2 staff girls
- The next year — 2 interns, and 3 staff girls
- Then 3 interns, 3 staff girls
- Then 8 intern girls, and 3 staff girls
- Next year we could have 17 intern girls and sending a few overseas
- I don’t know how it happened — Jesus provides!
- I couldn’t tell you what we do other than I am really passionate about it. I came on staff and became the MTL and wanted OU to be a sending hub
- My husband and I were never involved in Cru in college but interned and our lives were radically changed. We both learned to share our faith. And learned to love Jesus
- I saw internship totally change my husband’s life. And he left Cru sent.
- My husband is now in medical school.
- He’s seen 5 guys in his medical school come to Christ
- I saw what the Lord did in my husbands’ life and I became convinced
- It doesn’t matter if they join with us longterm. I want students to intern with us and experience being used by God — I want them to really fall in love with Jesus and get to do a lot of ministry
- So anyone that wants to intern, we’ll take ’em
- I’m willing to gamble on some girls because their lives can be changed!
- I think college is incredibly important. But those first two years after college are so important
- About half [who intern] join with us and half go somewhere else
- I don’t spend a ton of my time recruiting
- I just try to take care of my girls
- We try to make our staff team a fun, healthy team.
- I focus most of my time on my staff girls and having a healthy staff team and doing ministry together
- Students want to intern because they’ve seen it be positive for people on our team
- I talk to every person who is interested in interning
- I spend September-November using all my breakfasts taking girls out and talking to them about interning
- Tell me where you’re at right now, where you’re going
- If they’re not thinking Cru then how can l help them live as Sent ones post college
- These are 2-3 hour appointments
- I don’t ask them all to intern, I’m not just looking to build a really big team
- What % of your team is Greek (in a Fraternity/Sorority in college)?
- 11 are greek
- 6 aren’t
- Where do these interns/STINT come from?
- Intern:
- This year, 1 of the girl I shared the gospel with and I kept discipling after college for 2 years and she taught elementary school and then interned with us
- 2 were involved throughout college
- 2 were fringers in Cru and got super involved senior year
- Stint:
- Most of our stinters were with us from freshman to senior year
- Intern:
- All of our seniors who are “with us”/really involved are joining us as interns
- 4 senior girls and 1 random girl who randomly came to my Bible study and got involved her senior year
- We had 10 student staff last year, 7 joined with us
- They were at our staff meetings and came to our staff girls lunches, they saw the community, they were a part of our celebrations at staff meeting and got to see God using us and that was attractive
- Last year — they were a really tight knit group and a lot of them joined us. And the younger classes saw that and want to do that too. They’ve seen it.
- We can talk strategies but a lot of it has been the Lord continually providing
- It snowballs when your team is an attractive team to be on and students get to be around that enough and think “I want to be a part of that”
- We pray multiple times a week as a team
- We pray by name for potential interns
- It reflects our heart to depend on God
- At the beginning of the year, as a team we wrote 60ish things we are trusting God for on popsicle sticks
- We take those popsicle sticks out and pass them around and pray for them every time our staff is together
- We have the names of every person written on those sticks that we’re asking God to raise up as interns/STINTers
- I want to pray specifically about things (not just “God, please provide more interns”)
What motivates students to intern?
- If you join as an intern on this campus, my number one priority is that you walk with God and fall in love with Him
- My number two priority is your marriage (if you’re married)
- Your job performance is the priority after those
- I meet with my interns every week and talk about their walk with God and what they’re learning