In addition to some of the positive ideas stated yesterday in How to Raise Up Better Leaders than Came Before (mostly: raise up passionate followers of Christ who really get the gospel!), here are some problems we need to Fight Against and Figure Out.
Fight Against (more on these below)
- Drift Toward Ease
- Practical Atheism
Figure out (we’ll tackle this one tomorrow)
- Raising up Leaders who can also administrate
- Systems that make it easier for students to “lead up”
Drift toward ease
I’ve noticed that unless vision for Focusing on the Right People is constantly preached, many of our staff and students tend to disciple students who are much less gifted leaders than themselves.
Here’s a few theories on why:
It’s safe and easy
- They’re super-available and we have no doubt that they will eat up everything we say
Fear that we don’t have what it takes/Fear of rejection
- It’s intimidating (even for staff!) to approach that really sharp freshman leader who just oozes confidence
- I can vividly recall my second year as a director — I discipled a guy who was the president of his fraternity and I ended up not meeting with him much because I didn’t feel like I had anything to offer him.
We like to be needed
- “The fact is that many people in leadership roles gravitate toward hurting, draining, time-consuming people because they have a need to be needed.” — Dave Kraft (this entire post from What’s Best Next will be the best Leadership thing you read all week)
One resource to fight this drift is Tim Henderson’s article The Right People for Discipleship that is written to students and is phenomenal on communicating the why’s and how’s of pursuing Better Leaders.
Practical Atheism
- Craig Groeschel describes this as someone who believes in God but lives as if He doesn’t exist
- In this case it would be: really strategizing and thinking through how to raise up better leaders, and forgetting that God has to show up for his kingdom to grow on our campus
- Ps 20:7 — “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”
- We have to fight against putting our trust in better leaders
- It seems that the “easy” solution to this one is prayer and expressing utter dependence on God to move and raise up incredible leaders who will spread His fame
- We still plan and strategize like crazy
- All the time remembering- We’re like the guys setting up the Inauguration Parade route— setting up bleachers, preparing the route — so the path is clear for the Reigning King to pass through and receive adoration
What are some ways you’ve found to fight against the Drift Toward Ease and Practical Atheism?
photo courtesy of Peer.Gynt