(part 5 of a series on “Focus on the Right People” and multiplication)
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Paul to the Corinthians – I Cor 11:1
Does that verse ever strike you as a bit off? I mean, how cocky was Paul? Â Why not just tell Christians to follow Christ?
The fact is that people follow people to Christ. Â God will not usually reach people directly (via lightning or spelling out ‘God’ in your Cheerios). Â He has given us the role of being His ambassadors.
So how will college students come to Christ? Â They will Follow other students to Him.
Last summer I grabbed Brian McCollister, Cru director at Ohio University, for a few minutes to pick his brain on building movements. One thing he said about reaching students really stuck out to me.
They did a survey of students who were very successful leaders of freshmen groups.
The two character traits they found of successful leaders were:
- Followability — others will follow them (if a guy shows up at my door, would I want to hang out with him?)
- Tenacity — a guy that stays after people (calls them EVERY week before study)
How do You focus on and develop Followability in students?
photo courtesy of *Kicki* via Flickr