part 2 of 3 in a series on Spring Ministry – click here to read posts 1Â &Â 3.Â
Yesterday I shared our Spring Timeline — our game plan for the entire spring semester.
The conviction behind it is this: The spring is the time to get your “reaching-freshmen-team” together and everything you do in the spring should contribute to assembling this team of leaders.
So last year we took a hard look at our spring and thought through what we needed to drop and what needed to add so that when August rolled around we would have a huge team of equipped students who want to invest themselves in reaching the freshmen class. Increasing our leadership base both in quantity and quality.
So here’s some changes we made in terms of:
We stopped passing out FSK’s in the first week of the spring. I may get kicked off Cru staff for saying that. FSK’s are a Cru staple- a laundry bag filled with a Bible, a book, and some other swag- that we pass out in order to do spiritual interest surveys and generate new contacts.
- But Staff and student leaders have limited time. And we decided that we could either invest our first 3 weeks of the spring in following up FSK contacts OR spend our first 3 weeks surfacing the next generation of leaders. It’s definitely a tradeoff.
- But we have a semester worth of new people who attend our weekly meeting. Instead of running around crazy trying to turn over new rocks, why not invest heavily in those who are already in our ministry.
- I’ll share tomorrow one of the primary things that helped us surface that next generation of leaders — the Leadership Pledge.
In thinking through what new CG leaders have to be good at, we arrived at this:
- Primarily they need to be good at doing follow ups and initiating with freshmen. They need to be gospel pursuers. And we’d love for them to be adept at this before the craziness of the first weeks of the fall
- So during the second half of the spring, we committed to taking every new Community Group leader (who will be leading a study in the fall) out to share their faith at least once (preferably twice).
- Second, they need to know how to lead a study
- We required all new Community Group Leaders to take a 5 week course- “How to Lead a Bible Study”
- Third, they need to be good leaders
- We implemented an application to lead and a one page leader expectation sheet
- Staff interviewed every applicant one-on-one and had hard conversations with those who may not be quite ready to lead a study
What do you think about staff focusing on raising up laborers the first 3 weeks of spring instead of a more outreach focus?
photo courtesy of ihtatho